Sunday, August 14, 2011

Will It Be Possible to Live Forever?

Live forever? I think that’s just something that we can saw on movies, drama etc. I don’t believe that a human can live forever like we seen on Twilight, but its very interesting topic to be discussed.

Some scientist believes that human can live forever; one of the scientists is Ray Kurzweil. He claims that immortality is a something we can get in first few decades of 21st century. The Scientist has developed a series of biomedical rejuvenation strategies to reverse human aging called SENS. But it’s far away from immortality, its only extend our lives not make us can live forever.

Maybe scientist could make something to makes our lives longer but scientist can’t touch immortality. From spiritual views, only god can live immortality. If human could live forever what is the different of god and human? If some human could live forever maybe they’ll use it for something bad. If we are the only one who can live forever, we must live to see everyone near us died and leave us one by one.

Only god can live forever, but we can make our lives longer by healthy lifestyle or scientist’s research. Immortality exist only in fairy tales, movies, book or drama and it’s impossible

M Rendy Riansyah XB/25

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