Friday, November 4, 2011

School and Teachers in Future

 Scientists claim that in couple years time, there won’t be human teachers. It replaced with robot teacher that are likely to be even more intelligent that humans.They will teach to the human children at school about technology.

 The technology advanced a lot in the last years, so always there will be a way to learn with teachers in a school or with robots in his house.

 I don't really agree something can replace schools and teachers. Because at school you can ask specific questions to the teacher till you get what it means, work in groups, have a social life, make friends or even have fun. Yes we can learn some things in the Internet, but it can't replace schools. Schools feels our second home. Schools are more than sitting, studying and learning, schools are places where we go every day, we meet new people and places you remember until we grows old.

 At the end, I want to say that a virtual school or a robot teacher will be really very useful inventions, but school, as well as an obligation, is the most important social activity that the children have. Its kind of a place where they find who they are. I prefer school and teachers. Human can’t be replaced with a piece of metal without a real brain and feelings.

Raquel Dhita N / 31

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